
Frauke van den Bogaard

Plant based chef and cooking artist

Word Portet Frauke

To me, an orchard is a resting place with a wealth of scents, colors and flavors. It is a place of abundance, where you can go to pause for a moment and enjoy what is present there with all your attention.

I reflect the richness, abundance and attention of the orchard in the dishes I cook. I enjoy letting other people experience what is possible with plant-based cooking. The dishes I prepare are tasty and aesthetic. They are exuberant, with all kinds of spices, beautiful colours, different structures and various layers of flavour. In addition, they are also healthy and easily digestible. I like to cook recipes from all kinds of cultures and get inspiration from the travels I’ve made. I can express all my creativity in cooking.


Word Portret Frauke

Even though I get my inspiration from all kinds of cultures, most of the ingredients I use don’t  come from far away. I ensure as little waste as possible and prefer to cook with seasonal ingredients and regional products. When I cook on location, I usually get my fruit and vegetables from an organic garden nearby.

I learned to cook vegetarian by experimenting for years. I learned to cook vegan when I lived in Peru. My best friend there gave vegan cooking courses. Some years later I studied in Haarlem with chef Femke van den Heuvel at her VIP Health and Nutrition yearcourse for professional vegetarian and vegan cooking.

During my trip to New Zealand, in 2023, after traveling around for weeks, I finally had a kitchen at my disposal again. There I realized once more how much I enjoy cooking. This is how Woman of the Orchard was born.

With Woman of the Orchard I provide vegan catering. I cook at retreats and special occasions, host dinners, and give cooking workshops to those who want to learn to cook plant-based. Enjoying with all the senses is something important to me. Vegan food can be a celebration.

written about me by Heleen Janssen (www.schoonschrift.nl)

Since 1986

My journey

26 January 1986

Born on a farm with an orchard

in Wijk en Aalburg, the Netherlands

26 January 1986

January 2005

Cooking Course, South-India

January 2005


Primary School Teacher Studies

Making restaurantworthy dishes with my flatmate Sabine



Cooking at my first retreat in Glastonbury, England



Traveling and Living in Peru

Introduced to Veganism by Paula Casanova



VIP Health and Nutrition

Yearstudy Professional Vegetarian Cooking with chef Femke van de Heuvel in Haarlem



Chakra Dinners

7 Dishes, 7 colours, 7 taste experiences


February 2021

Valentine Dinners

Afrodiciatic 4 Course Dinners to fall back/even more in love with your significant other

February 2021

February 2021

Themed Dinners

Greek Vegan, Midsummer Night Dream, Vegan Tapas

February 2021

2021 - now

Workshops Tasting Words

4 Course Brunches, in cooperation with Heleen Janssens (Schoonschrift). A creative writing experience with every served dish (like turning your soup into a caracter)

2021 - now

2021 - now

Cooking Workshops

‘Glutenfree & Vegan for Sporty People’
‘Vegan Christmas’

2021 - now

2010 - now


Cornalijn, Inner Sanctuary, Love in Motion, Sytske Riphagen, Ra Healing, Heart of Ecstatic Dance, Lotus Tribe, The Art of You, Land van Yemaya, Center Pachamama, The Place2Be, Waaldijk aan de Maas, Tantra of Love

2010 - now


What others said...

Truly unique
Incredible! A truly unique experience. It was even better than expected: all of the dishes were little pieces of art and a true inspirational source for the writing assignments. (De Taalapotheek about the workshop Tasting Words)
The food was delicious
The food was delicious. Both breakfast, lunch and dinner were well catered and clearly made with love. The presence of Frauke was warm, friendly and very pleasant. (Participant of The Art of Being You Blissful New Year's retreat )
A bed for the soul
Your being, the nourishment, beauty and quality of the food were a ‘bed for the soul’. Food like this is not gone when eaten but remains a special memory that can be re-tasted again and again. (Carina Eckes, teacher at Pachamama retreatcentre, Leeuwarden)
What a pleasure
What a pleasure to have Frauke in the kitchen and see her at work. Where she creates the freshest, colorful and tastiest sensational dishes with her fresh, earthy and cheerful energy. Her passion for cooking is tangable and visible as she swayingly dances, with her hair up, transforming her vegetables into rustic dishes or subtle spreads. Looking for a flying chef? Look no further. You found her. (Vincent, Kundalini Massage Course, The place to Be, Zelhem)
" Wat een leuk, creatief en lief mens is Frauke. Het is een groot plezier deze website voor haar te realiseren en al haar mooie diensten en producten aan te bieden. "
Lies Geven
" Al een aantal keer een hele fijne, ontspannen massage gehad. Frauke neemt de tijd om samen te kijken naar wat nodig is en past de massage daarop aan, zodat je je daarna echt verlicht voelt! "
Siri van den Berk
" Hele fijne massage van Frauke, absoluut een aanrader! "
Bas Smeets
" Professionele massages, vriendelijk en toegankelijk. "
Janneke van Bemmel
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